‘TRUE ENEMY’: Staff were told that the assets settlement committee is the reason they are losing their jobs, while they are to receive half of their November salaryBy Stacy Hsu / Staff reporterThe Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) yesterday vowed to safeguard the rights and interests of its staff after its first forum to communicate with employees about cuts and restructuring plans, which it said went “smoothly and peacefully.”Speaking at a news conference in Taipei yesterday afternoon, KMT Culture and Communications Committee deputy director Hu Wen-chi (胡文琦) said KMT Secretary-General Mo Tien-hu (莫天虎) and KMT Administration and Management Committee director Chiu Da-chan (邱大展) briefed employees on planned personnel reforms.“They also provided an unequivocal account of the party’s current financial situation, while reassuring KMT staff that the party is not stashing any money,” Hu said, adding it denied allegations that NT$94 million (US$2.96 million) the party withdrew from KMT-affiliated Mingsheng Foundation bank accounts earlier this month was meant for personal use.”The accusation emerged last week after the Ill-gotten Party Assets Settlement Committee cast doubt on the purpose and whereabouts of the money.Chiu said that the move was made because of concern that the Cabinet-level committee could freeze the foundation’s assets.KMT staff were reminded that their true enemy was the “illegal and unconstitutional” committee and were urged to make concessions for the sake of the party, Hu said.“Some party employees expressed hope that they could directly access information regarding their rights and welfare, rat小額信貸利息計算her than learning about it from the media, but apart from that there was not major disagreement,” Hu said.Hu said that according to the lay off plans passed by the KMT’s Central Standing Committee on Nov. 9, which are to take effect in January, the number of employees at party headquarters and local chapters are to be cut from 134 and 609 to 80 and 230 respectively.The determination of who will be made redundant is to be made based on a series of criteria, including performance, Hu said, adding that a complete list of layoffs would be available by the end of January.As for staff salaries this month, Hu said the KMT is leaning toward paying half of what is owed, but that management would make an effort to raise the funds needed to pay the amount in full.According to the KMT, it plans to hold three more forums to further communicate with staff, including one scheduled for today at party headquarters in Taipei, one on Friday at its chapter in Tainan’s Sinying District (新營) and on Monday next week at the party’s Taichung branch.新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES
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